Kivallier Farflamme

From the coldest of climes
come the warmest of hearts


Here you can get to know a little about Kivallier at a brief glance.


Even the longest of tales always start at the beginning. Follow his early journey from the fields of Coerthas into the world.


Little slices of the life of this Elezen Warrior of Light and his adventures.


Age: 30 (ARR) / 35 (current)Nameday: 19th Sun of the 2nd Umbral MoonRace: Wildwood ElezenOrigin: Coerthas Western HighlandsPatron deity: OschonGender: cis maleOrientation: gay, verseCurrent status: in a relationshipHeight: 204 cm / 6'8"Voice traits: softspoken baritone, with gentle Cajun French accentVoice Claim: Channing Tatum as Gambit, Cajun DanMain jobs: GNB / DRK / MCH / RDMLikes: reading, dancing, traveling, wine, roses, animals, the seaFavorite colors: Soot black, Deepwood green, Rust redHome: Twintania (Light), Mist, Ward 8, Plot 29Closest friends: the Fortemps family, Gibrillont Rivaumaiche, Leofard Myste, Stephanivien de Haillenarte, Aymeric de Borel, Fordola rem LupisQuotes:
"A man who cannot dance has no business with a sword in his hand."
"Come now, as long as you still draw breath, I'll not allow you to give up."
"Good luck comes easy to those patient enough to wait out the bad luck."
“Laissez les bons temps rouler!”


25 years before the calamity:A healthy baby boy is born to young parents Marelle and Terefroix Farflamme. Their flourishing chocobo ranch’s future secured, they raise the child in keeping with Halonic traditions common to Coerthas. They are a kind, grounded, and practical family, although perhaps more secular than most. A busy life on the farm means his academic progress never reaches past the basics, but he grows up in a happy and loving home. Three years later a sister, Sophie, is born and a brother, Petreveaux four years after.Kivallier’s family is one of several chocobo breeding farms in the area, specializing in Ishgardian black chocobos. Though other families bred the fastest stock, smartest and strongest at fighting, or the sleekest and most beautiful, the Farflamme family’s chocobos are known for their endless endurance, able to carry rider and gear far and long without tiring. The chocobos are widely known among Ishgard’s best couriers for their stamina and through their patronage, the Farflamme family have prospered and lived comfortably for generations.The proximity of the Farflamme lands to the Dravanian forests places it at the farthest reaches of Ishgardian influence, which allows them to make their own arrangements with Dravanian messengers - the weakest and eldest of the chocobo flock offered regularly to the Horde, in exchange for being left alone during their frequent attacks on Ishgard. Similar such arrangements are not uncommon among the farming communities in this area. The Dragons and Ishgard have been warring with each other for decades, and the remote Coerthan households are forced to find their own way to survive between them.14 years before the calamity:Kivallier and his best friend Desmont Robrevaux meet at their usual forest hideout. Fighting with wooden swords and planks for shields, the boys pretend to be temple knights vanquishing dragons. The sounds of their laughing and shouting echo from the forest’s edge. Desmont is a year younger than Kivallier, though taller and more athletic, and his closest friend. Hailing from a neighboring chocobo farm, they grow up together. Desmont’s friendly and optimistic nature influences Kiv to become much the same. They attend chapel lectures together, learning the basics of reading and writing from a kindly headmistress. Kivallier is the more dexterous and academically successful, but Desmont excels at physical tests of strength and constitution.10 years before the calamity:Kivallier and Desmont have developed crushes on each other, sharing their first kiss behind the Robrevaux family’s barn. As an only child, this development becomes something that Desmont’s family does not approve of, both religiously and with regards to the future of their family. As a promising athlete, Desmont dreams of joining the Temple Knights and fighting dragons, training hard every day to reach a peak of physical fitness. His parents begin to arrange a marriage to a girl of the same age from an influential Ishgardian high house upon his reaching age of maturity.4 years before the calamity:Kivallier and Desmont remain romantically involved despite everything, their bond stronger than ever. Desmont is formally accepted into the recruit roster of the Temple Knights, a unit called the Fury’s Trident. While Desmont celebrates his achievement with a rowdy fête, Kivallier frets in silence, because he knows that with the war going on, it will become only a matter of time before he has to confront the possibility of Desmont’s injury or death.When Desmont is officially permitted to join a unit of Temple Knights, Kivallier gives him an ultimatum. He can choose a life of war and combat in service to the Church, or to join Kivallier on the ranch he is destined to inherit, where they could live out long lives far away from direct conflict. Desmont chooses the Knights, and Kivallier is furious, his mild faith in Halone and the church is shattered, as he blames them for Desmont’s obsession with Temple Knights and glorified conflict. Their friendship and relationship are irreparably damaged and they break up, and Desmont moves to Ishgard to marry and begin training. They do not ever meet again. Kivallier throws himself into his work, becoming the primary manager of the farm and household as his aging parents pass these responsibilities to their eldest son. Others may notice that anytime the conversation turns to the military exploits of the Temple Knights, a shadow passes across Kivallier’s face, and he is wont to change the topic or walk away.The calamity occurs:The events of the calamity occur far from Coerthas and Ishgard, but their effects are immediately felt across Eorzea, Within a shockingly short time, the green fields and flowing rivers of Coerthas become encased in thick ice, the mild temperatures replaced with a constant arctic chill. The farming communities are destroyed and many die of hunger and the resulting banditry, as the remaining food stores become a hotbed of conflict. The military detachment from Ishgard retreat to Falcon’s Nest, unable to continue resisting Dravanian forces. The lands are largely abandoned, the Farflamme estate among them. The remaining chocobos flee towards the more hospitable climes of Dravania, and Kivallier’s parents drown when their desperate fishing attempt ends with the ice cracking and giving way beneath them.Grieving their loss and raging that Halone had abandoned them, Sophie leaves one night as their stored food supplies begin to run out, leaving only a handwritten note behind indicating she had fled to seek refuge from the Dravanians. The note reads: “Lady Iceheart protects the dragons, while Halone and Ishgard abandon us to freeze. Only she alone commands the strength to end the War and restore peace.” Shortly thereafter, Petreveaux absconds with most of the remaining food stores and flees one night in the direction of Falcon’s Rest, his chocobo’s tracks quickly becoming lost in the freshly falling snow. Scouring the family household for anything remaining of value to barter with, Kivallier loads everything he can carry onto his chocobo Ser, and flees towards Ishgard. Upon arriving, he finds only chaos there, as a massive influx of other refugees desperately seeking shelter threatens to overwhelm a city already embroiled in war. Seeing no future for himself besides joining the begging masses in the Brume, he leaves Ishgard and continues towards a harbour, where he trades some of his jewels and baubles for passage to Vylbrand.As he boards the ship, the crew laughs, "We can't guarantee the safety of your delicious lookin' mate," staring hungrily at the chocobo. "Ye might wake to find 'im gone, nuggets 'n all, har!" Used to defending his birds from worse than scabby pirates, a knife blade pressed to the neck dissuades entertaining any further thoughts about the matter, and both eventually arrive safely to the sandy shores of Vylbrand. Although free from the immediate threats of frost and war, his new home never seems to want for threats from both without and within.5 years after the calamity:Kivallier has made his home in the port city of Limsa Lominsa, flourishing as an adventurer known for reliably dealing with problems that others wouldn’t or couldn’t on their own. From mercenary work, to monster hunting, to guarding caravans between the regional capital cities, he manages to scrape out enough of a living for himself and Ser (now nicknamed Nuggets) to live comfortably in the city’s residential district. He joins the Maelstrom and offers his assistance with some of their missions, rising through the ranks. But eventually, jobs start to become fewer and further between, and he had made no small number of enemies among the pirate and bandit clans.Mostly out of curiosity to see his homeland again, he writes to his cousin Gibrillont to ask he needs help at his tavern, the Forgotten Knight. Gibrillont, a former knight of House Haillenarte, was hampered by a leg injury sustained at the Stone Vigil some years previously, where the knights had mounted a defense against the Horde and been crushed. Kivallier offers to help out at the tavern in exchange for room and board during the leaner months, and Gibrillont is happy to have the assistance. When Kivallier arrives in Ishgard, he spends an evening catching up with Gibrillont and learning about what had happened to the city in the years since his departure. Kivallier asks Gibrillont about Desmont’s military unit, the Fury’s Trident, and he hesitatingly reveals to Kivallier that they had also been present at the Stone Vigil, wiped out down to the last man. Although years had passed, Kivallier feels a deep remorse that he and Desmont would never be able to meet again.At the same time in another, different timeline, Kivallier is on a carriage en route to an assignment in Ul’dah, when he is struck by the Echo.Current day:A business assignment from Gibrillont to find a supplier of mezcal for the Forgotten Knight sends Kivallier on a venture to the faraway continent of Xak Tural. After a brutal attack by Daybreaker bandits, he finds himself injured and stranded in a small town in Shaaloani. A local cowboy takes him in to nurse him back to health and teaches him about life in this unfamiliar land, and a special connection is growing between them. It seems very likely that Kivallier's presence in the remote desert land will extend for longer than originally intended.Roleplay Hooks:- Loves animals, especially his chocobo. A more constant companion than family, friends, or lovers, Kivallier's beloved bird accompanies him on adventures whenever possible. He is knowledgeable and conversant about all matters regarding Ishgardian chocobo care, temperament, and husbandry.- A romantic through and through, and especially fond of elezen men. Kivallier prefers the direct approach and doesn't see any reason to play coy, but in spite of this, he is secretly reluctant to truly commit to a partner, as love renders one vulnerable to loss.- Travel and adventure. Spending time around Limsa's pirate crews and his own journeys have deeply instilled a love of all things exotic and distant, especially if there's a bit of danger involved. When he's in his cups, he will happily regale you with stories of faraway locales for hours. If his friends invited him along to an adventure, it would be impossible to say no.
